Learning Motivation-Achievement Theory Utilizing Deductive Approach


  • Marilyn A. Torres Department of Education Lapu-Lapu City, 6015, Cebu, Philippines


Deductive axiomatic, motivation, achievement, Learning Motivation, Achievement Theory


Motivation is considered as an inner force of accomplishments. It is perceived as a powerful force behind our behavior and actions that take place in every field of our lives. Especially academic motivation, referring to the achievement in the world of knowledge. In an educational setting, educators must have a general understanding of the term and its underlying mechanisms contributing to the success of students. This study sought to generate a theory of the relationship of motivation and academic achievement. With this purpose, this paper will utilize the deductive axiomatic approach in theory generation adapting the steps of Padua. There are three axioms constructed, namely, (1) Motivation is interdependent with achievement; (2) Motivation is a predictor of performance; (3) Motivation is associated with one’s orientation towards a goal. From these axioms, six propositions were formulated; (1) High motivation enhances learning achievement; (2) Perceived academic achievement can sustain motivation; (3) Performance is associated with intrinsic motivations; (4) Performance is linked to extrinsic motivations; (5) Motivation should focus on performance orientation; (6) Motivation should be guided on mastery orientation. With these propositions, the Learning Motivation-Achievement Theory was developed. This theory emphasizes the strong positive correlation of motivation and learning achievement.



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How to Cite

Marilyn A. Torres. (2020). Learning Motivation-Achievement Theory Utilizing Deductive Approach. International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 7(01), 7–18. Retrieved from https://ijfscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Formal_Sciences_Journal/article/view/568


