Annette Ndjambou, Viola Andin Dohvoma, Jean A. J. Ndongo, Francis B. Kengne, Junior Alapa Nkwate Chefor, Therese M. Mbezele Mekongo, Brondon N. Vouofo Gapgueu, Emilienne Epee, Caroline Mvilongo Tsimi, Marie B. Nguena, Marie E. Akono, Corine Talla Mabekou and Come Ebana Mvogo 2022. Prevalence and Associated Factors to Severe Forms of Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients Received at the Angiography Unit of the Central Hospital of Yaounde. International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends. 15, 1 (Nov. 2022), 162–173.